Ad Hoc Keyword Research Service

Save time and money on Essential SEO tasks.

Powerful SEO tools to make your job easier

SEO Link Building Services

Identify keywords that drive traffic and revenue

Challenge of Choice: Finding apt keywords can be a needle-in-haystack task. Data pulling, spreadsheet organising, search intent analysing and irrelevant keyword filtering can drain time and resources.

Our Expertise: We excel in pinpointing commercial keywords that mirror your offerings. Say goodbye to endless data sifts and repetitive research. With us, focus on business growth.

Take the SEO strategy leap with Contactora handling your keyword heavy lifting!

Essential SEO Services

Keyword Research Pricing

Transparent and fair pricing. Pay just for what you need.

Need more than 5 topics? Increase the quality at the checkout.

Keyword Research


  • 5 Topics Suggestions
  • Detailed report with keyword opportunities

Delivered within 2-5 days.

Our plans can be billed in GBP, USD or EUR.

Not sure what you need? We are here to help.

Or can’t find what you are looking for?
Let us know about your project, and we can send you a free proposal.

Adam Haworth
Founder & Chief Strategist

Keyword Research

How It Works & What You Can Expect

  1. Topics: Give us 5-10 seed keywords to initiate targeted research.
  2. Our SEO Research: Our experts probe related terms, search intent, and topic groups for deep keyword understanding.
  3. Action-Oriented Report: We translate research into a streamlined, ready-to-use report.

Expect Expertise and Efficiency: With Contactora, you gain dedicated partners committed to methodical, goal-aligned research.

Timely Delivery, Always: We prioritise momentum, delivering promptly to keep your SEO campaign rolling.

At Contactora, keyword research is seamless and transparent. We ensure you stay ahead in the SEO game through our expertise, robust process, and swift execution.

What's Included

Keyword Research Checklist

  • Understanding the Audience: It is vital to know who your target audience is and what they are interested in. This includes understanding their needs, preferences, and the language they use.
  • Identifying Seed Keywords: These are the main topics or themes relevant to your business. Seed keywords are used as a starting point to explore further.
  • Analysing Search Volume: Understanding how often certain terms are searched for helps prioritise which keywords are most valuable.
  • Competitor Analysis: Identifying what keywords your competitors are ranking for can provide insights into potential opportunities or areas where you can differentiate yourself.
  • Long-Tail Keyword Research: These are more specific phrases that often have lower search volume but can be highly valuable due to lower competition and higher relevance to specific user needs.
  • Search Intent Analysis: Understanding why people search for particular terms (e.g., to buy, to learn, to compare) allows you to align your content with their intent.
  • Keyword Difficulty Assessment: Analyzing how hard it would be to rank for specific keywords based on the existing competition.
  • Content Gap Analysis: Identifying areas where you might lack content related to valuable keywords, thereby uncovering opportunities to create new content.
  • Localisation and Geo-Targeting (if applicable): If your business has a local focus, understanding keywords relevant to specific geographic areas is essential.
  • Evaluating Keyword Trends: Using tools to gauge whether a keyword’s popularity is growing, stable, or declining can influence your strategy.
  • Creating an Action Plan: Turning the research into a clear strategy.

A well-executed keyword research process offers a roadmap to create content that resonates with your audience, helps rank higher in search engines, and ultimately drives more qualified traffic to your site. 

Contactora for Agencies

White Label Digital Marketing Services

Make marketing profitable by outsourcing the hardest & most time-consuming tasks.

At Contactora we work with other marketing agencies to fulfil their deliverables.

With our white label marketing services, we handle the hard work, your clients enjoy the benefits, and you retain a substantial profit margin.

  • Get discounts on repeat orders.
  • Manage campaigns within the Contactora dashboard.
  • Dedicated account manager for each agency.

Full white label services are available to agencies that commit to a spend of £5000 per month or more.

You are not at that stage yet, but you can easily resell any of our services and customise the reports yourself. Pick from our self-serve services that are designed to start quickly, and handle specific parts of a campaign.

Reports FAQs

We don’t believe in overloading you with data and emails, but we love to keep things organised. This is why we built a simple shared project workbook that runs in real-time.

You can see at any moment: 

  • Which tasks we are working on + all previous tasks
  • Actions you/we need to complete
  • Target pages for link building. With KW metrics & current ranking positions
  • All live links we have built
  • All planned and published content topics, draft files, etc
  • All project files + anything you’ve shared with us

Each link is detailed with:

  • Full link URL
  • Target page URL
  • Anchor text
  • SEMrush metrics, including AS & traffic
  • Date live

From the content section, you can view all content planned and approve or reject topic ideas. You can even add your own topic ideas. All this is contained within your workspace folder, where all project files are found. Everything from the website quality audit to any disavow files can be accessed with a click.

You will have access to our reports dashboard (which is different to your client workbook and the area). It is all about your rankings, backlinks and other technical data that will frequently change. This is real-time data, and you can access your reports dashboard anytime.

You can also request PDF reports at any time.

Yes, whitelabel reports are available. Please speak to our [email protected] team to discuss the options.

Payments FAQs

You can easily order from our flexible dashboard, which we built to make it easier and quicker for you to start. You can pay directly in the dashboard using a card or pay via bank transfer.

If you want an invoice first, just let us know, and we will send one over.

All your previous and current orders will be available within the Contactora dashboard.

You can find all your invoices within the Contactora dashboard.

You can do this directly from your Contactora dashboard. No need to fill out any forms or call us. Stop and start your plan as you need.

We accept payments in USD, GBP, and EUR. While prices are displayed in USD due to our global customer base, you can switch to your preferred currency on the Contactora dashboard.

Contactora is based in the UK, but we are a fully remote team of SEO experts. Being remote allows us to find the best talent regardless of location.