Ad Hoc Backlink Audit Service

Save time and money on Essential SEO tasks.

Powerful SEO tools to make your job easier

SEO Link Building Services

The Crucial Need for a Backlink Audit

Backlinks are akin to personal recommendations. However, unreliable sources can do more harm than good. So, it’s quality over quantity. Contactora’s Backlink Audit ensures each link adds value, not just volume.

Risks from harmful or spammy links are significant. One bad backlink can damage your online reputation and SEO ranking. Our Backlink Audit safeguards you, neutralising threats and ensuring steady success. With Contactora, quality isn’t just a goal; it’s assured.

Essential SEO Services

Backlink Audit Pricing

Our backlink audit provides a comprehensive insight into what links are causing harm. Our backlink audit service includes:

  • Initial Consultation: Understanding your needs and goals.
  • In-Depth Analysis: Detailed examination using cutting-edge tools.
  • Comprehensive Reporting: Providing clear insights and actionable recommendations.

Backlink Audit

From $120

  • Analysis of Existing Backlinks
  • Identifying High-Quality Links
  • Disavow File Generation
  • Competitor Backlink Analysis for 1 Competitor

Delivered within 2-5 days.

Our plans can be billed in GBP, USD or EUR.

Fully Managed

From $2000

Our Foundation Sprint lays the groundwork for all subsequent SEO initiatives. It’s crucial to evaluate your website’s present state and existing SEO practices. 

  • Deep Data Analysis: Ensuring no technical glitches mar your SEO efforts and setting up precise tracking for campaign results.
  • Competitor Analysis: Investigating your industry, SERP market share, and adopting successful strategies from industry leaders to optimise your search engine rankings.
  • Website Quality Audit: Identifying and rectifying technical roadblocks, improving low-quality content, and boosting underperforming pages.
  • SEO Roadmap: Delivering a clear and concise plan of action based on our insights and recommendations to maximise your organic growth.

Not sure what you need? We are here to help.

Or can’t find what you are looking for?
Let us know about your project, and we can send you a free proposal.

Adam Haworth
Founder & Chief Strategist

What's Included

Backlink Audit Checklist

  • Analysis of Existing Backlinks: A thorough identification and evaluation of all existing links, painting a clear picture of your current backlink landscape.
  • Identifying High-Quality Links: Recognition and emphasis on valuable and authoritative links that contribute positively to your site’s ranking.
  • Spotting and Removing Harmful Links: Discovery and analysis of potentially harmful or low-quality links, followed by recommendations for removal or disavowal to protect your site’s integrity.
  • Competitor Backlink Analysis: A strategic examination of competitors’ backlink profiles, offering insights into their strategies and uncovering opportunities for you to gain a competitive edge.

At Contactora, our Backlink Audit ensures that your site’s backlink profile is an asset, not a liability.

Contactora for Agencies

White Label Digital Marketing Services

Make marketing profitable by outsourcing the hardest & most time-consuming tasks.

At Contactora we work with other marketing agencies to fulfil their deliverables.

With our white label marketing services, we handle the hard work, your clients enjoy the benefits, and you retain a substantial profit margin.

  • Get discounts on repeat orders.
  • Manage campaigns within the Contactora dashboard.
  • Dedicated account manager for each agency.

Full white label services are available to agencies that commit to a spend of £5000 per month or more.

You are not at that stage yet, but you can easily resell any of our services and customise the reports yourself. Pick from our self-serve services that are designed to start quickly, and handle specific parts of a campaign.

Reports FAQs

We don’t believe in overloading you with data and emails, but we love to keep things organised. This is why we built a simple shared project workbook that runs in real-time.

You can see at any moment: 

  • Which tasks we are working on + all previous tasks
  • Actions you/we need to complete
  • Target pages for link building. With KW metrics & current ranking positions
  • All live links we have built
  • All planned and published content topics, draft files, etc
  • All project files + anything you’ve shared with us

Each link is detailed with:

  • Full link URL
  • Target page URL
  • Anchor text
  • SEMrush metrics, including AS & traffic
  • Date live

From the content section, you can view all content planned and approve or reject topic ideas. You can even add your own topic ideas. All this is contained within your workspace folder, where all project files are found. Everything from the website quality audit to any disavow files can be accessed with a click.

You will have access to our reports dashboard (which is different to your client workbook and the area). It is all about your rankings, backlinks and other technical data that will frequently change. This is real-time data, and you can access your reports dashboard anytime.

You can also request PDF reports at any time.

Yes, whitelabel reports are available. Please speak to our [email protected] team to discuss the options.

Payments FAQs

You can easily order from our flexible dashboard, which we built to make it easier and quicker for you to start. You can pay directly in the dashboard using a card or pay via bank transfer.

If you want an invoice first, just let us know, and we will send one over.

All your previous and current orders will be available within the Contactora dashboard.

You can find all your invoices within the Contactora dashboard.

You can do this directly from your Contactora dashboard. No need to fill out any forms or call us. Stop and start your plan as you need.

We accept payments in USD, GBP, and EUR. While prices are displayed in USD due to our global customer base, you can switch to your preferred currency on the Contactora dashboard.

Contactora is based in the UK, but we are a fully remote team of SEO experts. Being remote allows us to find the best talent regardless of location.