Beginner’s Guide to Nofollow, Sponsored, and UGC Tags

8 min read
6 Dec 2023
Picture of Adam



In the ever-evolving landscape of SEO, it is crucial to understand and implement proper link attributes. Three critical link attributes are no-follow, sponsored, and UGC (user-generated content) tags. These tags play a significant role in guiding search engines in understanding the nature of links on a webpage. In this beginner’s guide, we will delve into the specifics of each tag, their purpose, and how to implement them effectively.

Nofollow Tags

Search engines introduced nofollow tags to combat spammy and low-quality links. When a link is marked with a nofollow tag, it tells search engines not to follow that particular link when crawling the webpage. The linked webpage will not receive any SEO value or “link juice” from the referring website. Nofollow tags are commonly used in the following scenarios:

  • Untrusted or user-generated content: Anytime you allow users to contribute content, such as blog comments or forum posts, it is essential to use nofollow tags for the links within those user-generated sections. This helps prevent spammers from exploiting your website for their own gain.
  • Sponsored or paid links: If you have advertisements or sponsored content on your website, it is crucial to mark those links with nofollow tags. This includes affiliate links and any links that you have received compensation for.
  • Unimportant or untrusted links: Sometimes, you may want to link to a webpage but do not want to pass any SEO value to it. In such cases, you can utilise the nofollow tag to indicate that the link is not essential or trustworthy.

To implement a nofollow tag, add the following attribute to the HTML anchor tag: rel=”nofollow”.

<a href="#" rel="nofollow">Your link</a>

Sponsored tags

Sponsored tags are a relatively new addition to link attributes and were introduced to help search engines identify paid or sponsored content. While nofollow tags are suitable for most sponsored links, using a more specific sponsored tag provides additional clarity. Sponsored tags are handy in the following scenarios:

  • Native advertising: If you have advertorials or native advertisements on your website, using the sponsored tag is recommended. This helps search engines differentiate between organic content and sponsored content.
  • Paid partnerships: When you have paid collaborations or partnerships with other websites or brands, marking the associated links with sponsored tags ensures transparency and compliance with search engine guidelines.

To implement a sponsored tag, add the following attribute to the HTML anchor tag: rel=”sponsored”.

<a href="#" rel="sponsored">Your link</a>

UGC tags

UGC tags are designed to identify user-generated content links on your website. These tags help search engines understand that the linked content is created by users rather than the website owner or administrators. UGC tags are commonly used in the following scenarios:

  • User comments: When users leave comments on your blog or forum, it is recommended to mark the links within those comments with UGC tags. This helps search engines distinguish between editorially controlled links and user-generated links.
  • Social media links: If you have links to social media profiles or user profiles on your website, using UGC tags is beneficial.

To implement a UGC tag, add the following attribute to the HTML anchor tag: rel=”ugc”.

<a href="#" rel="ugc">Your link</a>

Let’s look at some benefits of using a proper link structure on your website.

Improved user experience

By using proper link attributes, you can enhance the user experience by providing transparency, guiding users to relevant content, and distinguishing between different types of links.

Compliance with search engine guidelines

Search engines provide recommendations and guidelines for implementing link attributes. Adhering to these guidelines helps build trust with search engines and reduces the risk of penalties.

Properly implemented link attributes allow search engines to understand the purpose and context of each link, resulting in more accurate indexing and improved relevance in search results.

If you neglect to use proper link attributes like nofollow, sponsored, and UGC tags, it can have several implications for your website:

SEO impact

Without proper link attributes, search engines may consider all the links on your website as follows and pass SEO value to them. This can lead to the unintentional promotion of low-quality or spammy content, potentially harming your website’s search engine rankings.

Penalty risks

If search engines detect manipulative or deceptive practices, such as hiding paid links or participating in link schemes, your website may be penalised. Penalties can result in lower search rankings or removal from search engine results altogether.

User experience

Users rely on search engines to deliver relevant and trustworthy results. If your website is associated with spammy or irrelevant content due to improper link attributes, it can negatively impact user trust and engagement.

To ensure the effective use of link attributes, consider the following best practices:

  • Consistency: Maintain consistency in applying link attributes across your website. Create internal guidelines or a style guide to ensure all contributors understand and follow the appropriate use of nofollow, sponsored, and UGC tags.
  • Use moderation and user monitoring: If your website allows user-generated content, implement moderation and monitoring systems to ensure compliance with link attribute guidelines. Regularly check for any inappropriate or spammy links that may require intervention.
  • Educate content contributors: If you have guest bloggers or content contributors, educate them about the importance of proper link attribution and provide clear instructions on using the relevant link attributes.
  • Stay informed about industry changes: SEO practices evolve. Stay updated with the latest trends, algorithm updates, and search engine guidelines to ensure you use link attributes effectively and in line with current recommendations.
  • Tools to help control link tags in WordPress: We recommend using the EditorsKit plugin, which gives you control over your links tags without editing any HTML.

Exceptions and Edge Cases

While the article provides a comprehensive overview of nofollow, sponsored, and UGC tags, it’s worth noting that there may be certain edge cases or exceptions to consider. For example:

  • Differentiating between sponsored and UGC links: Sometimes, a link can fall into both the sponsored and UGC categories. It’s important to carefully analyze such scenarios and determine the most appropriate attribute to use based on the primary purpose of the link.
  • Interactions with JavaScript or dynamically generates content: If your website utilises JavaScript or generates content, ensure link attributes are correctly implemented and rendered to search engine crawlers. Test the functionality to confirm that link attributes are respected in these cases.

In addition to nofollow, sponsored, and UGC tags, there are a few other link attributes that can be used to provide further context and guidance to search engines:

  • Rel=”canonical”: This attribute is used to specify the preferred version of a webpage when multiple versions with similar content exist. It helps consolidate duplicate content and avoid potential SEO issues.
  • Rel=”prev” and rel=”next”: These attributes are used for pagination purposes, indicating the relationship between a series of pages. They assist search engines in understanding the structure and organization of paginated content.
  • Rel=”alternate”: This attribute is primarily used for indicating alternate language versions of a webpage, allowing search engines to serve the appropriate version based on user preferences or location.

It is recommended to periodically review and update your website’s link attributes to ensure compliance with evolving search engine guidelines and best practices. The frequency of review depends on the size of your website, the rate of content creation, and any changes in your SEO strategy. As a general guideline, consider the following:

  • Regular audits: Conduct comprehensive audits of your website’s links, especially if you have user-generated content, sponsored content, or affiliate partnerships. Check for any outdated or missing link attributes.
  • Stay informed: Keep up-to-date with the latest industry news and search engine guidelines to identify any changes or new recommendations related to link attributes. Subscribe to SEO blogs, follow industry experts, and participate in relevant forums.
  • Proactive monitoring: Monitor your website’s link profile and user-generated content regularly. Implement tools or plugins that can help identify and flag any potential issues or spammy links that need attention.


Understanding and implementing proper link attributes, such as nofollow, sponsored, and UGC tags, is essential for effective SEO and maintaining a healthy online ecosystem. By utilising these tags correctly, you can guide search engines in understanding the nature of your links, protect against spam, ensure compliance with search engine guidelines, and build transparency in sponsored and user-generated content. Remember to implement these tags diligently and stay up-to-date with changes or updates in search engine algorithms to optimise your website’s performance.

Written By
I've worked in digital marketing for 10+ years and founded 3 agencies. I am the CEO of Lakewood media Limited and our digital marketing agency I also head, a support and maintenance company and, our premium design and development agency.I currently spend my time developing strategies for digital marketing, covering everything from SEO, PPC, lead generation, email marketing, analytics and conversion optimisation. My role is to ensure our agencies are at the forefront of the industry so we can provide the best solutions and remain agile.I also manage the daily operations at our parent company, where I enjoy the business side of running a group of agencies.
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