Are Local Citations Still Worth Doing In 2024?

12 min read
7 Mar 2024
Picture of Adam



Local citations remain an important factor in your online visibility and marketing strategy.

TL;DR: Local citations, consisting of a business’s name, address, and phone number (NAP), continue to be crucial for SEO in 2024. They help improve search visibility, especially for local queries, and contribute to higher rankings in search engine results pages (SERPs). Citations come in two forms: structured (on directories like Google My Business) and unstructured (mentions across the web).

Quality and consistency are key, as is leveraging industry-specific sites for niche relevance. Local SEO strategies now need to adapt to AI and machine learning advancements, voice search, and mobile usage trends. Emerging technologies such as augmented reality (AR) could further transform how local citations enhance user interaction.

Accurate and up-to-date NAP information across multiple platforms remains vital to avoid confusion and maintain trust with customers and search engines. Lastly, businesses are encouraged to prioritise citation quality over quantity for maximum impact on local search rankings and visibility.

Understanding Local Citations in SEO

Local citations represent a business’s online footprint, comprising its name, address, and phone number (NAP) on directories and listing sites. These citations act as digital breadcrumbs, guiding customers to a company’s doorstep.

Mastering local citations unlocks a potent SEO strategy. Quality, consistency, and accuracy across citation sources amplify a brand’s local presence. These structured data points fortify a business’s online identity, signalling relevance to locality-focused algorithms.

Ultimately, optimised local citations contribute to higher search rankings, increased website traffic, and heightened customer engagement.

Types of Citations for Local SEO

Local citations come in two primary forms: structured and unstructured. Structured citations involve listings on authoritative online directories, while unstructured citations refer to mentions of your business information across the web.

Structured Citations

Structured citations refer to business listings on authoritative directories and data aggregators like Yelp, Google My Business, Facebook, and Apple Maps. Search engines heavily rely on these sources when displaying local businesses in SERPs.

Securing accurately structured citations optimises a business’s visibility and lending credibility. Consistency across Name, Address, and Phone number (NAP) details is crucial for effective local SEO.

Adding descriptions, categories, and images and encouraging positive reviews enhance a listing’s value. As search algorithms evolve, the influence of quality structured citations on local rankings continues rising.

Unstructured Citations

These mentions of a company’s name, address, and phone number appear on other web pages without linking to the business website.

Unstructured citations contribute to local search visibility and establish online authority. They enhance search engine rankings by reinforcing consistency in NAP (Name, Address, Phone number) across the web.

Data aggregators and directories dominate structured citations. However, unstructured citations originate from online platforms like blogs, social media, and local business listings.

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The Importance of Citations in Local SEO

Citations are vital for enhancing local search visibility. They act as digital breadcrumbs, helping search engines understand a business’s online presence and relevance within a specific area.

Improvement in Local Pack and Local Rankings

Local citations significantly influence a business’s visibility in local search results. Accurate, consistent listings across authoritative online directories enhance local pack rankings.

Furthermore, abundant niche-specific citations strengthen a company’s legitimacy, boosting local rankings.

Businesses can leverage citation opportunities on industry-specific sites and community platforms. 

Prioritising quality over quantity yields optimal impact. Embracing automated solutions streamlines citation management, ensuring data accuracy and consistency.

Earning Referral Traffic

Local citations enable businesses to attract referral traffic from authoritative online directories, niche-specific websites, and review platforms. Businesses can enhance their online visibility and discoverability by claiming and optimising listings across these sources.

High-quality citations act as digital signposts, guiding potential customers to a business’s website, social media profiles, and physical locations. Furthermore, citations on trusted platforms often rank well in search results, presenting opportunities for companies to capture traffic from users actively seeking products or services related to their offerings.

Businesses can amplify their referral traffic potential by pursuing niche citations tailored to their specific industry or location. For instance, a local restaurant could benefit from listings on food-centric directories, while a home services provider may gain traction through citations on neighbourhood forums or homeowner association websites.

Boost in Online Visibility on SERPs

Consistent, accurate name, address, and phone number (NAP) data across authoritative directories acts as a trust signal.

Search engines prioritise citing businesses, recognising their credibility and relevance for local queries. 

Optimised local citations incorporate strategic keywords, descriptions, images, and business categories. These enhancements captivate potential customers and showcase the business’s offerings.

Provides Third-Party Review Opportunities

Third-party review platforms increasingly integrate with local citations, fostering user-generated content and feedback. Leveraging these opportunities boosts credibility and trustworthiness.

Quality and context of citations significantly influence third-party reviews, shaping user perceptions.

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning continually evolve, better analysing third-party reviews for local SEO. User trends like voice search and mobile usage drive the need to leverage review opportunities within citations.

The Future of Local Citations in SEO for 2024

In 2024, the significance of local citations hinges on quality over quantity. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) will shape local SEO strategies. User behaviour shifts towards voice search and mobile usage necessitate adaptable citations.

Future updates may prioritise relevance and context over sheer numbers, aligning with evolving search algorithms. Accurate, consistent NAP (Name, Address, Phone) information across platforms remains crucial for improved local rankings.

To stay relevant, local citations must seamlessly integrate emerging technologies like augmented reality. The future demands a dynamic web of strategic local citations propelling businesses to local search prominence.

The Evolution of Search Engine Algorithms and the Impact on Local Citations

As search engines refine their algorithms, the significance of local SEO citations will be reshaped. Search engines leverage AI and machine learning to better comprehend user intent, influencing local citations’ impact.

Credibility and context will play a pivotal role in determining citation effectiveness.

Local citations must adapt to emerging trends like voice search and generative AI. These technologies demand contextually relevant information, altering how local citations contribute to search visibility.

The Role of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Local SEO

As AI systems continue evolving, they gain a deeper comprehension of context and nuance, better interpreting users’ needs for nearby services or products.

AI-powered tools streamline local citation management for businesses and agencies. These solutions intelligently identify citation inconsistencies, duplicates, or missing listings across the web.

By automating data aggregation and submission processes, they ensure brand accuracy while saving substantial time and effort. Forward-thinking companies like Contactora leverage AI to strategically cultivate clients’ local online presence, boosting visibility and driving more qualified leads.

The Importance of Accurate and Consistent NAP Information Across Platforms

Consistent NAP (Name, Address, Phone Number) across online platforms is critical for local businesses. It helps improve online visibility and credibility. Inconsistent NAP listings create confusion, hindering a business’s ability to rank well locally and eroding trust with potential customers. 

Maintaining up-to-date NAP data on directories, citations, and business listings ensures search engines accurately represent the business, boosts local rankings, and enhance the user experience.

The Influence of Voice Search and Mobile Usage on Local Citations

The rise of voice search and mobile usage significantly impacts local citations. Voice searches inherently carry local intent. Users leverage voice assistants for location-based queries like “find the nearest Italian restaurant.” Optimising citations with precise address details becomes crucial to surface in these voice results.

Additionally, mobile devices fuel on-the-go local searches. Citations act as digital signposts, enhancing a business’s visibility when consumers search locally via smartphones. Clear name, address, and phone number listings across citations boost local rankings and clickthroughs.

As mobile usage grows, user expectations for a seamless search experience escalate. Accurate, consistent local business data across citations becomes paramount. Discrepancies hinder visibility, hampering a local brand’s ability to be discovered easily.

The Integration of Local Citations with Emerging Technologies

Integrating local citations with emerging technologies like augmented reality enhances user experiences, enabling businesses to provide immersive, interactive local search experiences. 

Augmented Reality

Augmented reality (AR) offers an innovative approach to local SEO. AR technology overlays digital information onto the physical world, enabling businesses to deliver immersive experiences.

Integrating local citations with AR could revolutionise how customers interact with local businesses. For instance, users could scan a storefront, revealing reviews, promotions, and behind-the-scenes glimpses.

This integration amplifies visibility, driving engagement and conversions.

Local businesses should explore AR’s potential. AR-enhanced citations provide a competitive edge, standing out amidst traditional online listings. AR capabilities will likely expand as AI and machine learning evolve, presenting new opportunities.

Guide to Citation Building in Local SEO

Optimizing your citation-building strategy involves a multi-pronged approach that encompasses data aggregator listings, direct submissions to core sites, industry-specific local directories, unstructured citations, and API integrations.

Data Aggregator Listing

Data aggregators gather business data from various sources, serving as centralised repositories. Claiming and maintaining accurate listings with major data providers like Acxiom, Neustar Localeze, and Factual is crucial.

These authoritative databases supply location information to directories, mapping services, and search engines. Consistent name, address, and phone number (NAP) details across aggregators enhance visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs).

Businesses benefit from submitting their NAP to data aggregators, ensuring wide dissemination of accurate data. Leveraging application programming interfaces (APIs) streamlines automated citation building at scale.

Direct Submission to Core Sites

Direct submission to core sites plays a pivotal role in establishing citations for a successful local SEO strategy. It involves submitting accurate business details like name, address, and phone number (NAP) directly to authoritative platforms.

These core sites include Apple Maps, Bing Places, Yellow Pages, Better Business Bureau (BBB), Yelp, and Facebook. Claiming listings on these platforms ensures data consistency across the web.

Claiming business listings on data aggregators like Foursquare, Data Axle, Neustar Localeze, Express Update, and Factual is equally crucial. Data aggregators distribute NAP information to multiple platforms, amplifying online visibility.

Submission to Reputable Industry-Specific Local Sites

Pursuing industry-specific local sites is a strategic approach. These niche directories cater to particular sectors or locations, attracting a targeted audience. Submitting accurate business details enhances visibility among potential customers searching within your domain.

Quality reigns supreme over quantity. Prioritise trustworthy, well-established platforms aligned with your services or products. Reputable directories carry weight in local search rankings, amplifying your online presence effectively.

This precision strategy saves time while maximising impact on relevant consumer segments.

Optimising Local SEO Citations

Adding images, including relevant business categories, encouraging positive reviews, utilising your website link, and ensuring consistent NAP information across platforms is a crucial step to enhancing online visibility and local rankings.

Use Descriptions

Using descriptions for local citations enhances visibility and attracts potential customers. Descriptions offer businesses an opportunity to highlight their unique offerings, specialities, and value propositions.

Add Images

Visually appealing visuals capture users’ attention, strengthen brand recognition, and boost engagement. Images associated with listings enhance credibility, reinforce relevance, and improve the overall online presence.

Include Business Categories

Including relevant business categories enhances the effectiveness of local citations. Accurate categories clarify your offerings, ensuring prospective customers find your listing when searching locally.

Google and other search engines rely on these categories to comprehend businesses’ scopes, aiding in relevant ranking and recommendations. Strategically chosen categories boost visibility, attracting targeted traffic poised to convert.

Encourage Positive Reviews

Encouraging positive reviews proves crucial for local SEO success. Businesses should actively solicit feedback from satisfied customers on popular review platforms like Google My Business, Yelp, and industry-specific sites.

Positive sentiments boost online visibility, counteracting the potential negative impacts of citation inconsistencies on search rankings. Companies must identify authoritative directories within their niche and location to garner valuable third-party endorsements.

Use Your Website Link

Including your website link in local citations is crucial. It drives referral traffic, boosting visibility and online presence. Moreover, it enhances credibility by showcasing your online presence.

Ensure NAP Information Consistency

Ensuring consistency of NAP (Name, Address, and Phone number) for local SEO success. Accurate, uniform NAP data across citation sources strengthens a business’s online identity, boosting local search rankings.

Discrepancies confuse search engines, harming visibility and consumer trust. Regularly audit citations, rectify errors, and update information as needed.

Managing Duplicate Citation Listings

Managing duplicate citation listings is crucial for maintaining data integrity and accuracy. Duplicate listings can lead to inconsistent business information, confusing customers, and negatively impacting local search visibility.

Manual Citation Management

Manual citation management involves meticulous processes. Audit existing listings to create an accurate citation database. Ensure name, Address, and Phone number (NAP) consistency across platforms.

Carefully choose relevant business directories for new listings. This hands-on approach prevents inaccurate NAP spread and manages public reviews effectively.

The Impact of Citation Consistency on Search Rankings

Citation consistency is paramount for local search rankings. Maintaining accurate and uniform Name, Address, and Phone Number (NAP) information across all online directories significantly bolsters a business’s credibility.

Search engines prioritise consistent data, interpreting discrepancies as markers of unreliability. Conflicting citations create confusion, hindering search visibility and discoverability.

The Influence of Citation Quality and Authority

The quality and authority of a local citation significantly influence its impact on search engine rankings. High-quality citations from authoritative and trusted sources carry more weight than low-quality or spammy listings.

Search engines prioritise citations from well-established directories, industry-specific sites, and data aggregators with robust quality control measures. These reputable sources demonstrate a business’s legitimacy, enhancing its online visibility and credibility.


Local citations remain pivotal for businesses seeking online visibility and credibility. Accurate, consistent data across platforms signals trustworthiness to search engines and customers.

As algorithms evolve, citations intertwine with emerging technologies like voice search and augmented reality. Strategically building and managing citations unlocks opportunities for improved rankings and customer engagement.

Prioritising quality over quantity, businesses can leverage citations for a competitive edge in the ever-changing digital landscape.

If you need help with Local SEO or citation management, contact a specialist at Contactora.

Written By
I've worked in digital marketing for 10+ years and founded 3 agencies. I am the CEO of Lakewood media Limited and our digital marketing agency I also head, a support and maintenance company and, our premium design and development agency.I currently spend my time developing strategies for digital marketing, covering everything from SEO, PPC, lead generation, email marketing, analytics and conversion optimisation. My role is to ensure our agencies are at the forefront of the industry so we can provide the best solutions and remain agile.I also manage the daily operations at our parent company, where I enjoy the business side of running a group of agencies.
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